Thursday, 31 December 2009


Happy new year to all
Here it is..from the emperors. and how wil you do it..with firecracks down here in india...bofires..candles.....grapes, lentils, nuts, pomegranates and mistletoes ..i willl do it with thanksgiving prayers for the quarter decade i have lived..

----The Roman emperor Julius Caesar officially declared January 1 to be a New Year in 46 B.C.

----1582, Gregorian calendar was set to celebrate New Year on the first day of January.

Cherish the spirit of New Year in a better and a special way....Happy new year to you may the year have a new beginning to the future that you long for and be a blessing to you.The wise always had something to say,,,,

''Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man
Benjamin Franklin
The past is gone and the future here it come its a decade to remember and cherish for many things have happened and God has guided you and he will guide you always just keep on praying and rowing to the shore as the Russian proverb goes...I march with the new trends and unite the world through friendship i welcome you into the bandwagon of the youth of the world for we need to steer the world to great heights as we enter into an new age of making the sun shine In our generation and move up the skies of the the ways to make the planet a better place for you and for me.

The past is gone ..forgive me if i have wronged you, i forgive the wrongs others have done to me, friendship blooms anew like the lilies of sharon and the roses of the valley..brothership reach high and news friends we make and other we shut windows forever for we are not static and we should forgive and forget.And always on the run.

Remember friends are like stars and the favorite makes a day a year and a life worth living, never take someones love and friendship for granted for one day you may walk down the road to unknown and he will be there and we rise at different rates and some will rise to the top of there ambitions while other will go down and our hope is to rise always so we need cooperation o balance our future for who knows you have lifted me and you will always lift me... the future has something in store...never plan of what you will do do tomorrow let God plan i came to learn this on 20th Dec 2009 when i planned for a birthday merry making for 21st December on to find myself in Hospital some hours before midnight in x-ray room and Davie ..two Indian doctors were there to wish me a happy birthday......God knows the future joboit ..i live today tomorrow comes... volcanic the tsunami....i dont know

Ring out the old, ring in the new,

Ring, happy bells, across the snow:

The year is going, let him go;

Ring out the false, ring in the true.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1850

We meet today tomorrow i am gone....i know you today in future i not sure, the world is changing lets us build a link in the things we share friendship unites the world
My new years resolution is to rise and fly high to accomlpish my dream to help others achieve the best of uniting the world and ride on my cloud when my star is orbiting far away

Joshua Boitt

Dr.B.A.M University,

Maharashtra state


Happy new year 2010.......Happines forever